Completely Avoidable Tragedy of Slips & Falls

Completely Avoidable Tragedy of Slips & Falls

Slip and Fall Injuries: Personal and Business Owner Liability “You should have watched where you were going.” Last year, 21,000 Ontarians attended emergency wards after falling on ice or snow. Some were drinking. Others were wearing Crocs. Still others were running like it was a summer day. Some injured victims do attract blame. But thousands […]

Tips for Settling a Slip and Fall Claim from an Experienced Injury Lawyer

Tips for Settling a Slip and Fall Claim from an Experienced Injury Lawyer

5 Key Tips For Settling a Slip and Fall Claim Owen Sound’s Tamming Law frequently represents clients who have sustained personal injury due to a slip and fall on someone else’s property. Slip and falls can cause significant injuries, including fractured bones, concussions, and trauma to the neck and back. A person may suffer loss […]