THEY SHOULD HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS – PUNITIVE DAMAGES Most disputes between an insurance company and their insured are reasonable differences of opinion: You honestly believe you cannot return to work and the insurance company believes you can. If both positions are backed by solid medical evidence, off to trial (or mediation) you […]
PUSHING BACK WHEN THE INSURER DENIES YOUR LONG TERM DISABILITY CLAIM At Tamming Law, over our 30 years of litigating long-term disability claims, we have heard all the reasons insurers use to deny claims for disability benefits. In our experience, there are 5 that are quite common. Let’s go over them. #1 “Our Medical […]
Long-Term Disability Claim Denied? What You Should Know The courage to come forward Denied long-term disability benefits? Are you refusing to take no for an answer? Congratulations. Fully one third of all people who are cut off LTD benefits don’t even bother with a letter of complaint, let alone start a lawsuit. Insurers know this. […]
Reasons Why Your Insurance Company Denies Benefits You care about right and wrong a whole lot more than your insurer does. To you, it is a matter of fairness. You paid for your benefits for years and you deserve to call on the insurer when you are at your most vulnerable. To your insurer, it […]
LTD Claim Denied? Everything You Need to Know Now It is an awful realization to discover the rejection of your long-term disability (LTD) claim. The very purpose of LTD insurance is to protect you financially when you need it because you can’t work due to an illness, injury or accident. If you’re in the process […]