PUSHING BACK WHEN THE INSURER DENIES YOUR LONG TERM DISABILITY CLAIM At Tamming Law, over our 30 years of litigating long-term disability claims, we have heard all the reasons insurers use to deny claims for disability benefits. In our experience, there are 5 that are quite common. Let’s go over them. #1 “Our Medical […]
Reasons Why Your Insurance Company Denies Benefits You care about right and wrong a whole lot more than your insurer does. To you, it is a matter of fairness. You paid for your benefits for years and you deserve to call on the insurer when you are at your most vulnerable. To your insurer, it […]
Perhaps your child suffered a brain injury in a car accident and you are in charge of managing his settlement. Or perhaps your father is elderly and you hold his power of attorney of property. To be a trustee or to act as an attorney of property is a very serious matter. It means that you hold an office […]