Personal Injury Law
Tamming Law is committed to helping our neighbours in Owen Sound and throughout Grey, Bruce and Simcoe counties protect their legal rights and safeguard their futures following a personal injury. For decades, injured parties throughout the region have turned to Tamming Law for our prudent, experienced legal counsel tailored to their specific needs. Our personal injury & car accident lawyers of Owen Sound can help you today.
Just because a defendant has insurance does not mean that a claim can succeed. You must also show that the defendant was somehow negligent in order to attract compensation from that insurance company. In other words, did the defendant act unreasonably and thus cause your injury? We will conduct whatever investigations are necessary to answer that question.
There is also a risk of shared fault. If you were not perfect in how you acted on the date of the incident, our team will discuss with you whether we need to admit that you contributed in part to your own injuries. If your claim would otherwise be worth $50,000 and we have to admit a 20% contributory negligence, your claim would drop by that amount. Some clients object to any discussion that they may have partly been to blame for their injuries; we assure you, however, that many courts find injured persons at least partially to blame for an accident and there is nothing wrong with admitting any role you may have had early in the process to ease settlement discussions.
What your case is worth depends of course on the nature of your injuries and whether your injuries heal themselves fully or only partly. It generally takes 12 months to ascertain the full extent of your injuries and to obtain a prediction of how well you are likely to do in the future.
We will order all relevant medical records and will be in a position to comment further on this issue once we review these and any letters from physiotherapists or others seeking to assist your injury. In many cases we will arrange for an orthopedic or neurological surgeon to meet with you once your injuries have stabilized to provide an opinion as to your prognosis. You are entitled to compensation for pain & suffering, income losses, out of pocket expenses and other economic losses.
At Tamming Law we’ve represented clients throughout Owen Sound, Collingwood and Port Elgin that have been injured in a variety of accidents, including those related to:
• Motorcycles
• Dog attacks
• Snowmobile
• Medical error and negligence
• Automobiles
• Slip and fall incidents
• Child abuse
• …and many more
We thank you again for entrusting your case to us. We will press hard for maximum compensation within a very reasonable period of time. Please call or email John Tamming, Jessica MacInnes or Mischa Bye any time.